Eagle of Iqbal


Ada UFO Mendarat di Waduk Darma Kuningan?

JAKARTA- Berniat mengabadikan indahnya air terjun di Waduk Darma, Kuningan Jawa Barat, dua orang pemuda melihat benda asing berukuran seperti helikopter. Mereka terkejut dan mengaggap benda yang memancarkan cahaya berwarna merah itu adalah UFO.

"Kami melihat benda itu kemarin sekira pukul 17.30 WIB," ujar Oji salah seorang pemuda warga Cirebon kepada okezone, Minggu (6/4/2008).

Oji bersama kawannya, Asep tak sengaja melihat benda aneh tersebut tiba-tiba mendarat di sebuah bukit. Oji mengaku benda aneh itu berjumlah tiga buah. Namun, satu benda yang dianggap UFO semakin lama semakin menjauh. Sedangkan dua lainnya malah mendarat di sebuah bukit dekat dengan air terjun.

"Jaraknya kurang lebih 1 kilometer dari tempat kami berdiri," jelasnya.

Jepang Berburu UFO

TOKYO - Ilmuwan Jepang saat ini sibuk berburu keberadaan alien dan benda terbang tak teridentifikasi (UFO). Tidak tanggung-tanggung, guna menguak misteri itu, para ilmuwan bergabung dalam sebuah proyek di Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (NHAO) yang bermarkas di Sayo Town, Daerah Administrasi Hyogo, Jepang Timur.

Kepala Peneliti NHAO Shinya Narusawa dalam wawancara akhir pekan lalu yang dikutip melalui AFP mengatakan, proyek jangka panjang itu diikuti sejumlah ilmuwan dari Jepang dan beberapa negara lainnya. Narusawa tidak menjelaskan dari mana saja ilmuwan luar Jepang yang dilibatkan. "Setiap orang setidaknya pernah berpikir sekali apakah luar angkasa itu tak terbatas dan apakah alien benar-benar ada," papar Narusawa.

Narusawa menjelaskan, dalam meneliti keberadaan alien dan UFO, pihaknya menggunakan sejumlah teleskop serta alat pendeteksi gelombang dan cahaya. Alat alat itu, kata Narusawa, dapat menangkap sinyal yang diduga bukan berasal dari bumi. Sinyal tersebut kemudian diteliti dan dicari asalnya.

Narusawa tidak merinci nama alat-alat yang dimaksud. "Sangat sulit mendeteksi adanya sinyal aneh. Terkadang sangat sulit untuk mengatakan apakah itu dari bumi, misalnya dari mesin, ataukah sinyal itu datang dari alam lain," jelasnya. Sejauh ini belum ada hasil yang signifikan terkait penyelidikan alien dan UFO. Kendati demikian, Narusawa yakin cepat atau lambat misteri tentang kehidupan di luar bumi akan terkuak.

"Dengan memikirkan angkasa luar, kami berharap akan ada peluang yang dapat membuat manusia semakin menghargai bumi dan semua makhluk yang ada di atasnya," ujarnya. Penelitian tentang alien dan UFO di Jepang bukanlah isu baru. Tahun lalu parlemen Jepang secara resmi menanyakan kepada pemerintah apakah pernah melakukan observasi tentang fenomena yang dibicarakan banyak orang itu.

Menjawab pertanyaan itu, pemerintah mengatakan 'tidak'. Tidak hanya di Jepang, perburuan alien dan UFO juga dilakukan di negara-negara maju lainnya, seperti Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Inggris. Belum lama ini, Departemen Pertahanan (Dephan) Inggris merilis data tentang penampakan benda-benda misterius yang diduga UFO.

Data dari 1989-2002 itu dirilis awal Juni, beberapa data sudah pernah dipublikasikan, sisanya akan dirilis beberapa tahun lalu. Data tersebut dapat diakses melalui website milik Arsip Nasional Inggris di ufo.nationalarchives. go.uk. Sebagian material berisi formulir satu halaman berisi detail seperti kira-kira sebesar apa pesawat itu dan apa saja yang dilakukan, kalau saja terlihat.

Data itu termasuk kliping koran acak dari tulisan wartawan. Seperti artikel 1986 milik Daily Mirror tentang cahaya dari objek merah menyala di kokpit sebuah pesawat Angkatan Udara Inggris (RAF) yang membawa Pangeran Charles membuat pilotnya silau. Di dalam artikel itu, koran tersebut mengatakan, Pangeran Philip (suami Ratu Elizabeth II) adalah seorang yang suka mengamati UFO selama 36 tahun.

Di pihak lain, AS juga secara sistematis mengumpulkan laporan penampakan UFO. Tapi, program terakhirnya, dikenal sebagai Project Blue Book, ditutup pada 1969 setelah pemerintah menyimpulkan bahwa tak ada UFO di sana dan mereka tidak mau menyelidiki.

Ditemukan Planet Tempat Alien Bersarang

SKOTLANDIA - Ilmuwan Eropa berhasil menemukan sebuah planet baru yang ditengarai memiliki penghuni. Planet ini bernama CoRoT-Exo-4b.

Planet baru ini berukuran sebesar Jupiter dan beredar di sekitar bintang yang berlokasi dekat dengan matahari. Planet tempat alien bersarang tersebut membutuhkan waktu sekira 9,2 hari untuk mengitari bintang tersebut. Waktu perjalanan yang cukup lama dibanding planet terluar lainnya.

Nama CoRoT-Exo-4b ini diambil dari sebuah teleskop yang berhasil menangkap planet aneh ini. Teleskop luar angkasa bernama CoRoT ini didesain dan dimiliki oleh badan luar angkasa Eropa untuk mencari keberadaan planet-planet terluar.

"Kami belum tahu jika CoRoT-Exo-4b dan bintang yang mengiringinya mampu melakukan rotasi sejajar sejak formasi mereka yang pertama pada satu miliar tahun lalu. Atau mungkin dalam waktu dekat keduanya dapat mensejajarkan diri," ujar peneliti dari Universitas Exeter Suzanne Aigrain, seperti dikutip melalui Space.com, Jumat (25/7/2008).

Para peneliti cukup terkejut dengan temuan ini. Pasalnya planet tersebut tidak memiliki kapasitas massa dan jarak yang cukup untuk mengitari bintang yang berada di dekatnya. Padahal massa dan jarak merupakan hal yang cukup penting untuk bisa menekan gravitasi dan mempengaruhi rotasi yang dilakukan planet tersebut.
diambil dari : okeZone.com

ada UFO Mengitari Matahari?

dari : ufonesia.worldpress.com
Gambar-gambar dibawah ini diabadikan oleh SOHO (SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory) yang berhasil menangkap gerakan dari suatu benda terbang raksasa tak dikenal yang mengitari matahari.

Gambar-gambar yang cukup menggairahkan tentunya bagi para pemerhati UFO dan extra terrestrial life mengingat mungkin saja gambar ini bisa dijadikan bukti kuat dalam upaya untuk mengungkap keberadaan mereka sesungguhnya.

Mungkinkah ini merupakan pesawat antar bintang milik peradaban asing seperti di film fiksi ilmiah Star Trek? Silakan anda menganalisa sendiri, apakah obyek raksasa yang dikatakan berukuran sebesar Bumi ini merupakan benda luar angkasa alami seperti meteor, komet, dsb ataukah anda menyimpulkan bahwa obyek tersebut merupakan benda buatan yang dikendalikan/dioperasikan oleh kecerdasan yang sangat maju?

Lower Left (See arrow) and a slightly enlarged pic with the object at Upper left.


Enlargements of the object with colored filters.


Another enlargement. The shape is clearly visible.


This cylindrical object, thousands of miles long,
seems to be burning up. A malfunction?

Evolusi tertinggi

Namaku Michael Gumelar (nama online: angel michael). Suatu malam aku terbangun dari tempat tidurku dan mendadak kamar tidurku telah berubah menjadi kamar dengan teknologi canggih. Semuanya seperti terbentuk dari kristal berlian, bening, berkilau tetapi juga berpendar lembut tidak menyilaukan, mirip seperti lampu kristal dijaman kita.

Aku merasa keheranan, lalu mendadak muncul didepanku seorang wanita cantik telanjang tanpa rambut kelamin di pubicnya, kulit warna coklat muda dengan muka gabungan antara keturunan asia dan eropa, setinggi aku, kurang lebih 165 cm, rambut berombak dikepalanya berwarna merah dan dia senyum ramah padaku.

Karena kurasa ini hanya mimpi maka aku tidak merasa aneh dengan munculnya dia yang seperti di dalam film-film fantasy, namun tidak ada kilauan cahaya-cahaya partikel kecil mirip peri seperti dalam film-film itu.

Wanita berumur sekitar 17 tahun itu mendekatiku dan berkata “kau ada dimasa depan, dan aku akan menjawab apa yang ingin kau tanyakan”

Gumelar : Mengapa kau membawaku kesini?

baca crita brikutnya di link ini: www.angelmichael.cjb.net

Ancient Aliens, Ancient Ufo and Alien Drawings (Part2)

This is an old Chinese illustration from a fictional book entitled "Illustrated Survey of Weird Countries" (c.1400 A.D.) and had the following original caption: "Ji Gung Land: The people could make flying cars that travelled far with a suitable wind. In Tarng's day (c.1700 B.C.), Ji Gung people flying a car on a westerley reached Yew Jo. Tarng dismantled their car so it could not be demonstrated to the people ... Later an east wind came on which he had them fly the car back to their own country [5,000 km] west pf our gateway."

This artwork is alledgedly from the buddhist Dharamsala temple in Himachal Pradesh, India. This is where the Dalai Lama lives in exile. You can just make out six silvery saucer shaped objects.
These images of two crusaders date from a 12th century manuscript " Annales Laurissenses" (volumes/books about historical and religion events)and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They both were fighting when suddenly a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.

This is an illustration depicting a sighting of a burning wheel in the year 900 over Japan.

The above image comes from the 10th Century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra", held at a Japanese museum. In the enlargement you can see two objects that look like hats, but why are they floating in mid air ? also one of them appears to have port holes on it. Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with "the speed of the wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound".

Ancient Aliens, Ancient Ufo and Alien Drawings

This is a 7000 year petroglyph discovered in the province of Querato, Mexico in 1966. You can see 4 figures with their arms outstretched below a large oval object radiating what appear to be beams of light.
More strange looking figures (aliens) this time from Sego Canyon , Utah. Estimated up to 5,500 BC.

These are illustrations from a book by Lt. Grey. "Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia 1837, 1838, & 1839". He led an expedition in the 19th century to some caves near the Glenelg River region of Kimberley, Northern Australia where he came across a series of cave paintings. The beings are called the Wandjina by the Aboriginies who painted them.

More examples of Wandjina. These a images from Kimberley, Australia. Possibly 5,000 years old. Some people believe they may represent ET beings. Notice how the ones in the middle and on the left resemble the head size of grey aliens.

The above photo is of a number of reptilian entities found in Iraq. They are dated at 5000-4500 BC. They are housed in the british museum.

These photos depict figures found in Equador. Notice they appear to be wearing space suits. You can see a comparison photo with an Apollo astronaut.

Aliens Have Been On The Moon Since Ancient Times Part2

Apollo 16 "Earth rise" photo AS16-113-18289. Note the "Earth" isn't perfectly round and has two big missing areas (the black spots) in the center and to the left along the bottom edge.

These crafts aren't visiting the moon but are UFOs from the structures on the moon going out on an unknown mission. The fact that there are two UFOs in such a small area demonstrates the vast amount of alien activity on the moon. The ink spots and blurs that NASA uses on most photos are numerous so there has to be countless structures in plain sight, and the ones that aren't are being revealed by modern technology.

With the recent publication of Dark Mission, information about NASA's secret agenda is coming forth. NASA isn't what it publicly claims to be and the rosy image that it presents, stating that it is all for science and exploration, is more science fiction than science fact. The same is true for the Apollo program and the real reason why we went to the moon.

The reason that we went to the moon, according to the public statements, was to fulfill President Kennedy's wish to put a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s. The real reason why we went to the moon was to explore the ancient civilization that is there. Our unmanned satellites and lunar landers have revealed a vast array of structures on the surface of the moon, buildings that belonged to an alien race that inhabited the moon long ago.

Aliens still inhabit the moon, perhaps the descendents of the people who built all the structures. UFOs and the moon go hand in hand, being visible in official photos as well as picked up by amateur telescopes. The "Earth rise" Apollo 16 photo above shows the amount of UFO activity on the moon with two ships in a relatively small space. But Apollo 16 wasn't the only moon landing to encounter a UFO.

On the way to the moon, Apollo 11, traveling at better than 25,000 mph, was passed by a craft that was going at an incredible speed. News of this slipped out, with NASA downplaying it and claiming that it was some sort of natural phenomenon. This wasn't an isolated event, but rather a warning that they shouldn't continue on with their mission. Their encounters were just beginning.

According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed ham radio operators with their own VHF receiving facilities bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets and picked up the following exchange:

NASA: Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

What's there?

Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous!

OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it!

I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there,

Lined up on the far side of the crater edge!

They're on the Moon watching us!

Were we warned off the moon as many claim? There is no conclusive proof either way. One thing that we do know for certain is that for 40 years NASA found the idea of returning to the moon a joke, clinging with an absolute dead grip the Space Shuttle. Almost overnight, NASA admitted that the shuttle was a mistake and stepped forth with a bold new plan and rocket to return us to the moon, which they can't build fast enough. Did someone invite us back?

Aliens Have Been On The Moon Since Ancient Times

There is an alien presence of the moon, one the existed before recorded human history, and I have the photos to prove it. The moon isn't the wasteland that NASA claims it to be, a place where Alan Shepard knocked contraband golf balls around with nothing more to worry about then hitting a crater. But is there something else out there? Is there something that didn't originate from this world on the surface of the moon?

If anyone looks at the old Apollo pictures, or any photograph taken by a satellite for that matter, two things quickly make themselves known-ink spots and blurs. NASA has gone over every single photo with a fine toothcomb and has blurred some areas while applying black ink to others. What is it that they don't want us to see? They don't want us to see the alien presence that is there. And not only is there an alien presence on the moon, but there are ancient structures there that have existed since the ancient days.

The one thing that NASA didn't count on was modern technology. Today everyone has a computer with a photo editor that is light years beyond anything that they had in the 1960s. Some of the structures weren't visible in the 1960s photos but were there nonetheless. Since they weren't visible, NASA didn't ink or blur them. With your own computer you can zoom in and find these structures, which are literally littered throughout the surface of the moon.

Lunar Orbiter 1 photo that was blown up on a home computer. The alien structure is clearly visible near the center.

These structures have been on the moon since ancient times, some of them the remnants of races that died off long ago. If you find this a little too fantastic to believe, then consider our own history. There was an ancient time that pre-dated Adam and Eve. The Biblical Flood was undertaken to destroy the ancient world:

And did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah… 2 Peter 2:5

The Flood destroyed the Garden of Eden and other ancient worlds that God wanted destroyed such as Atlantis. The Ancient Egyptians spoke of a time that existed before Egypt. The Sphinx clearly shows signs of water erosion, which shows that it existed before the Flood and well before modern archeologists claim that it did. The same wiping out strategy was applied to worlds beyond the Earth. Mars has an ancient world that was destroyed, one with a face and a pyramid. So it isn't so hard to believe that the moon did as well.

Many claim that the moon isn't a moon at all but an alien object that was placed in Earth orbit. Some have called it Luna. They claim that the moon was not mentioned in the Biblical story of creation, but it was. The moon was referred to as "the lesser light that rules the night" in Genesis 1:16. The moon stopped in the sky in Joshua 10:30 but this had nothing to do with the alien presence there.

The aliens live on the surface of the moon, but this is in no way saying that there isn't an alien presence inside the moon as well. If you take some time to use your photo editor with high-resolution photos of the moon, it won't take you long to find these structures. NASA will suggest that you created this or that it is really part of a crater. Stop and ask yourself one question, if the moon really is as NASA claims that it is, then why are some photos classified and unavailable to the public while others are inked and blurred?

One of the most famous examples of this is the Apollo 16 "Earth rise" photo in which "the Earth" is rising over the moon. NASA says that the object in the picture is the Earth and few people question it. If you think for yourself, and look with an open mind, you will clearly see that this is a UFO. This is another craft off to the left, which NASA doesn't even attempt to explain away.

ALIEN ET UFO Messengers of 2012 - Raison de Tre, Reason for Living

ET UFO Messengers of 2012 are expected to share the reason for living and existing on planet earth. A time in time and a division of time is given as our reason to exist to learn to live harmoniously, create and explore.

Life has a spirit which is the energy of the soul which lives throughout eternity in every being in everything. Mineral, animal, vegetable, on earth doesn´t matter; it is all alive and has energy and life that is still thought of as spirit. Some life on earth has more consciousness of its existence than others. Enoch and Elijah left in a chariot of Fire. Occasionally one fines favor among the Gods. The oldest Chinese history traveled the heavens on fire breathing dragons. Earth has sky creators or Gods and why?

We are to treat all things and all beings with respect. The moral and ethical fibers of humankind does not depend on whether one is Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Shaman, Buddhist, Wiccan, Pagan, Atheist of Agnostic, but whether one decides to live morally and with integrity among the species. We are to evolve to ascend energy. Lives depend on others in the cultural community as to whether they live or die. We are all our brothers keeper on earth

There are over 28,000 children said to be dying daily on earth due to starvation. Who in this world in which we live is to take responsibility starvation of beings on earth? We say we are spiritual and religious and have world leaders of our churches. Some say what Jesus would do. The devils destroy earth? Religion created devils. Earth is home. The basics of life need to be met. We all deserve the basics of food, clothing, shelter, and a way to take care of ourselves and our families. We can learn to share what we have in our lives and break it down to our own communities and cultural ways of living and existing on earth.

There are those who are not familiar with other ways, religions, and cultures on this one planet. There are beings that are considered part of our total population on earth who are sentient intelligent beings and are part of the species of human beings on earth. These beings are those who are mammals and bear their young alive the same as all humankind.

We sometimes forget that we are not the only sentient intelligent beings on earth. There are sentient intelligent beings that exist in the oceans, four types to be exact. These are visited the same as humankind on the earth´s surface. The whales, dolphins, porpoises have a way to communicate. They are aware of their being and offer another way to exist and live on earth

UFO in Tayrona?

Closeup of unknown object. Is it a bird, frisbee or some other natural object?

Original photo.

Photo taken immediately following above photo. Note no object is present.

This photo has been enhanced by me using the "equalizer" feature of Adobe Photoshop. Note the base of the object. It has size and dimension and is not a shadow. The object is in my opinion not a bird or other natural member of the animimal or bird family.

We received a submission from Andres the other day and he enclosed two photos and a description of an unknown object that he photographed on May 10, 2008. Andres was visiting the Tayrona National Park in Colombia, South America.

He did not see the object when he photographed it but saw it once he uploaded it to his computer. He took several several shots of the same scene featuring an isolated hut.

The following is Andres' description of the event:

Description of incident: I was vacationing in Tayrona, a national park in Colombia South America, this is a beautiful place on the north coast of Colombia overlooking the Caribbean. On my first day visiting, I was snapping pictures with my digital camera of this island that had a local rudimentary tike like housing on top of it. That day I took many pictures and continued taking pictures for the next week. When I got home I downloaded the pictures from this trip and I noticed something weird about an specific picture. Take a look for yourself and you be the judge. P.S This set of pictures are still in my camera and I have not deleted or altered the memory card.

Ex Military Man Photographs UFO Over Lake

Received a very interesting report from Piotr Cielebiaś of the NOL-Eastern European UFO Journal, concerning a sighting by retired Lt. Col. Robert G. The following is my adaptation of the original report from the Lt. Colonel and his photographs.

Name: Lt. Col. Robert G. retired (last name withheld at the request of the witness)
Place: Zywieckie Lake, Wojewodztwo Slaskie, Poland
Date: May 22, 2006

4 Panel Comparison of Zywieckie Lake Poland UFOs May 22, 2006 by Robert Morningstar

It had been a beautiful bright day and now in the early evening Robert decided to give in to his passion of fishing. So he and his son Maciek gathered the rods and supplies and left for their favorite spot on Lake Zywieckie. The lake was nearby and they arrived at 7:20 pm.

He had retired from the military as a Lt. Colonel some time ago and became a passionate fisherman. He considered himself to be 'even keeled' and straight-headed, not prone to panic, over reaction or flights of fantasy. Robert enjoyed his family and friends and was at a great point in his life. All of this was to change and he would never be the same again.

Good God, Aliens don't exist!

After settling down to fish, Robert unexpectedly decided to experiment with the new digital camera Maciek had received as a gift from his parents for his first communion. He reached into his bag of supplies and took out the camera, then both he and his son began walking along the shore of the lake looking for things to photograph.

Maciek suddenly stopped and asked his father, "Did you hear that?" He admitted to himself: it was very strange sound indeed. It was high pitched, something like a whistle, and not very loud. They followed the sound making their way between shrubs and after traveling only a few meters come to a small beach. There before them was the source of the sound and Robert was stunned!

The following four (4) photographs were shot by Lt. Colonel Robert G. (retired) at Lake Zywieckie in Poland. Click on the 'zoom' button to enlarge the photo.

A huge shining disk, suspended in mid-air, hung over the lake. It reminded him of a flying saucer typically seen on TV.

His first reaction was to run to get away...to escape. He never gave a thought to their fishing equipment or supplies. Grabbing Maciek's hand they began to leave when his son screamed, "Dad, Stop! It is an UFO."

Robert was scared, disorientated, shivers ran down spine and he was covered in cold sweat. He couldn't breathe. He head felt empty and his brain wouldn't function. His heart was pounding madly and he realized he had to calm down, take control. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the object moving slowly, spinning on its axis like a toy top.

Maciek turned the camera on and asked his father to take a photo. Taking the camera from his son he centered the view finder on the craft and clicked the shutter as it moved slowly to his right. "We'll show Mom," his son exclaimed.

Trance-like, the father, continued to take photos. The world was gone - only the object remained. The flying saucer had stopped maneuvering and was swinging side to side, its movements reminding Robert of a leaf floating in the air. A thought now crossed Robert's confused mind: Good God, Aliens don't exist! Just then the craft vanished. Robert hurriedly searched the sky, but there was no sign of the craft.

It was then, only then, after the craft had disappeared that Robert discovered he had wandered in the water taking pictures. He noticed people on the opposite bank and wanted to call to them...but didn't. He knew how people reacted to stories of UFOs and didn't want to become the brunt of one their jokes.

Looking at the camera he was amazed to discover that the camera's memory was completely filled and realized he had continued taking photos of the lake and the sky long after the craft had gone. He didn't actually remember taking the shots, just knew that he did.

Mentally exhausted he sat down on a tree trunk with his son and asked, "Maciek, what was it?" Gesturing with his arms to describe the object he replied, "UFO, I just said it! Let's quickly go home and tell Mom about it." We packed up the poles and gear and went home.

Maciek described the entire experience to his mother, giving her all the details. Robert, camera in hand, walked down to a friend's house that had a computer and could download the photos. Robert was happy that his friend and neighbor was so understanding. He asked if he had actually witnessed the object and then Robert told him the entire story. His friend stated that some people took this phenomenon seriously and suggested that he contact someone familiar with the subject. But, first he had to write down his recollections of the event and it is these that allow me to write his story.

UFO in Gibson County, Indiana?

For the second time within a week, a UFO sighting has been reported in southwestern Indiana. The first report was on July 4th.

An unidentified person near Mackey in Gibson County snapped a picture on his cell phone then posted it on a national UFO website. It reportedly shows a glowing orange object moving from north to southwest.

Early Friday morning, a man in Huntingburg reported seeing several bright lights in a "V" shape, but as he retrieved his camera, the lights disappeared.

Police say they did not receive any other reports of the lights.

source & references:


UFO in the Sky of Vaucluse?

Residents of Apt and its surroundings did not believe their eyes

"These lights, horizontal for a few seconds, emitted no noise, there was complete silence. They multiply, as two appear to detach…"

"The first image I shot is three halos of white lights fixed in the sky, south-west. The camera at the end of the eye, Robert does not miss this phenomenon that is not always explained."

"I was with my friends on my terrace, everyone saw the same thing."

"They continue to descend to flee to the west in the direction Gordes. In a second they disappear. There remain four symmetrically lights next to each other. "They are there in the black of night."

Robert is still seeking the bright spots with his camera, he zooms up to get the sharpness of the image.

"The four light, always perfectly motionless, returned, suddenly, without any sound. Then they appears to move. It adopts an angle of 30°. The lights were split in the sky, the inclination is increasingly becoming horizontal. There is more than six lights, but twelve slightly above Mourre Negro, some of which are invisible to the naked eye. "Constellation" takes the form of a clear rectangle."

This is 10 minutes that Robert and friends watched with fascination the movement.

Above Gargas, estimated at 5 kilometers in front of them, "after five minutes, all of a sudden, the lights reappear in the same direction. Encore to the horizontal. The four lights are fixed, a light flashes on the left of training. Robert is "not worried" despite the scene that he is the privileged witness:

A few kilometres away, Ludovic substantially saw the same events, two days earlier.

"I was faced with a firm in the west of Apt. Five lights flashing slowly just above my head, a few dozen metres tall. They formed an arc of a circle. Suddenly, they began to turn in on themselves, to go to the West in a few seconds. They have reappeared three times, the same place in the sky, ln the space of a quarter of an hour, only to disappear the same way."

On the evening of Wednesday, July 2, at the same time, in the sky country of Apt, the lights had already manifested themselves in the eye of Ludovic. The next day, returned to the scene, the phenomenon is repeated.

"It was like a dish, as in movies, I am sure. A strange thing, floating in the sky. I'm still shaken."

The civilian and military planes are not allowed to fly at the height where the lights were evaluated. Only the observatory makes an assumption as to the importance of lights:

"Over the atmosphere is charged, the light is more diffuse." Phenomenon that could respond in part to the intrigue. However, the silence that surrounds these displacements bright spots in the sky, remains unexplained."

source & references:

Photograph by Ange Esposito


Gambar UFO di Piramida Mesir

Jika teman-teman teliti dalam mengamati bentuk-bentuk relief pada salah satu sudut kuil Abydos diatas, maka akan dengan mudah menemukan beberapa relief yang menggambarkan bentuk kendaraan-kendaraan modern seperti Helikopter, kapal selam, bahkan pesawat terbang yang menyerupai UFO.Bagaimana cara menjelaskan semua ini?

Benarkah di Mesir pada jaman dahulu telah memiliki teknologi penerbangan? Apakah ada hubungan dengan Atlantis? Sebuah papirus kuno mencatat kunjungan benda terbang aneh di dekat istana Firaun. Uniknya lagi, di kuil Abydos terdapat serangkaian hieroglip yang mirip pesawat terbang, helikopter bahkan kapal selam.

Kota besar Abydos, dalam bahasa kuno disebut “Abdjw” berasal dari periode pra-dinasti (4000 tahun SM) merupakan sejarah Mesir turun temurun. Sebuah tempat di mana terdapat banyak sekali kuburan dari raja-raja pra-dinasti pada masa Mesir kuno yang mana membuat wilayah tersebut segera berkembang untuk kepentingan agama seperti pusat pemujaan untuk Osiris.
Hal ini pertama dilakukan seperti pada makam dari Dinasti Raja Pertama Djer, yang teridentifikasi sebagai “tempat pemujaan Osiris”. Sudah menjadi mitos bahwa raja adalah Tuhan masyarakat Mesir pada masa pra-dinasti (menunjukpada seperti “Osirieon”). Perhatian terhadap Osiris dikarenakan kota besar menjadi tempat ziarah, sebaik salah satu tempat untuk pemakaman sebenarnya yang diinginkan atau untuk pembangunan tugu peringatan (monumen dibangun untuk menghormati kematian seseorang yang jenazahnya berada ditempat lain). Perayaan dan keinginan besar untuk bermain dari Osiris hidup dan mati diselenggarakan disini mulai dari Dinasti ke 12 (1985-1795 SM) sampai dengan zaman Masehi.

Satu dari monumen yang paling penting di wilayah tersebut adalah Candi Seti I, yang mana dibangun untuk menghormati Osiris. Candi ini dipercaya bahwa Seti yang merupakan arsitek dan perencana candi klasik Mesir yang sungguh-sungguh terukur, tetapi saat terjadi pergantian pemimpin ketika membangun pondasi terjadi kecelakaan sehingga membongkar tempat terdapatnya tugu Djer, dan hal ini pada referensi Kerajaan Tengah seperti tempat makam Osiris di luar kemungkinan dari kealiman, rumah dari Seti I dan Rameses II diperluas dan ditinggikan dari tempat Osirion dan kegemaran cara memuja Osiris menghubungkan candi Seti I kemudian.

Pada bulan Februari 1988, diinformasikan bahwa eksistensi dari masyarakat Mesir tempat relief dianggap sebagai “enigma”. Tentu saja di antara tulisan Hieroglip terdapat satu yang dapat dengan mudah membedakan gambar yang menyerupai helikopter.
Berita ini hampir dua tahun lamanya telah dipublikasikan di Perancis. Beberapa orang mengemukakan tentang skema tersebut dengan masuk akal menjelaskan kehadiran “helicopter” diantara tulisan hieroglip.
Kelihatan dengan jelas, orang lain akan mengatakan bahwa gambar tersebut tidaklah melukiskan “helikopter” tetapi lebih dari satu atau dua pesawat, kapal selam dan bahkan sebuah UFO !

Menurut Mike Dyall Smith dari universitas Melbourne bahwa gambar tersebut makin terkenal karena dipromosikan oleh kalangan “new age atau UFO buffs”. Para ahli Mesir umumnya mengakui bahwa gambar pesawat asing yang terlihat jelas hanyalah sebuah ilusi yang terjadi karena erosi permukaan batu (lihat kerusakan di atas area langit-langit) dan proses pemahatan kembali dan menambal di batu untuk menggantikan beberapa dari hieroglip-hieroglip.
Ketika tambalan jatuh keluar sedikit demi sedikit dari glip yang lama dan glip yang baru menutupi dan berbentuk “jejak-jejak yang aneh”. Penggunaan teknik tersebut disebut dengan istilah “Palimpsest”. Setiap orang baik sajak dalam prasasti Mesir menjelaskan adanya tumpukan pemahatan kembali dari prasasti hancur di masa Mesir kuno seperti kebiasaan para raja mencari untuk memperoleh pharaoh yang sebelumnya atau untuk mendiskreditkan mereka.

Namun sebenarnya, penjelasan ini tidak terlalu memuaskan. Benarkah Abydos merupakan prasasti yang benar-benar menggambarkan adanya teknologi luar angkasa atau kapal selam pada zaman Mesir Kuno? Yang pasti, meski berbeda masanya, namun di Mesir ada suatu papirus yang menceritakan kehadiran benda terbang aneh.
Laporan tercatat yang cukup tua mengenai kehidupan di langit lain ialah berasal dari abad ke-15 sebelum masehi, yang tertera pada buku harian Thutmosis III (Firaun Mesir kuno dinasti ke-18, 1504-1450 SM). Laporan yang ditulis dalam papirus (tulisan kuno) yang diketemukan oleh Alberto Siliotti, berbunyi demikian:

Dalam tahun dua puluh dua, dalam bulan ketiga musim dingin, pada jam ke enam hari itu....para penulis dari Rumah Kehidupan melihat adanya sebuah lingkaran api yang muncul di angkasa. Dia tidak memiliki kepala dan nafasnya berbau busuk. Panjangnya 1 rod, lebarnya 1 rod (5m). Dia tidak bersuara. Karena kebingungan mereka bertiarap...Mereka menghadap Firaun untuk melaporkan apa yang telah mereka lihat. Baginda Raja merenungkan dan memikir-mikirkan persoalan itu. Sementara... beberapa hari kemudian, benda-benda itu bertambah banyak di angkasa... Angkatan perang Firaun terus mengawasi benda- benda itu tatkala Baginda Raja berada di tengahtengah mereka. Waktu itu adalah waktu setelah makan malam. Lingkaran-lingkaran api itu kemudian tambah naik lebih tinggi di angkasa, menuju ke selatan. Ikan dan itik berjatuhan dari udara. Dan Firaun menyuruh mengambil kemenyan, kemudian dibakarnya untuk mendapatkan keamanan dan ketenteraman dalam kehidupan rakyatnya...

Selain itu, banyak penemuan artefak kuno yang aneh seakan menunjukkan bahwa di masa lalu, nenek moyang kita telah berinteraksi dengan makhluk dari luar angkasa. Ada juga yang mengkaitkan dengan sisa bangsa Atlantis. Baca juga tentang Vimana dan Vailixi.

Area 51 ( Tempat penelitian Alien )

Area 51 merupakan fasilitas pengembangan dan pengujian militer yang sangat rahasia (top secret), yang dioperasikan oleh angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat. Area 51 berlokasi di dalam daerah pelatihan dan pengujian Nevada . Lokasi Area 51 berada di Lincoln Country berjarak 115,5 km sebelah utara Las Vegas dengan luas berkisar 103 kilometer persegi.

Lokasi Area 51 dulunya adalah sebuah bekas danau yang sudah kering di gurun Nevada , namanya Lake Groom.Mengapa tempat itu disebut sebagai AREA 51?
Menurut beberapa sumber , sebutan area yang bernomor 51 tsb kebetulan terletak di grid 51 pada peta Nevada , ada pula yang mengatakan angka 51 berasal dari klasifikasi dari suatu BOM yang bernomor 49 , 50, 51, 52 dll , sehingga disanapun terdapat Area 49 , Area 50 , dst.

Area 51 didirikan pada tahun 1955 yang pada awalnya diperuntukkan melakukan pengujian pengembangan pesawat mata-mata Amerika Serikat Seri U-2 yang baru diciptakan.
Setelah U2, datanglah serangkaian jenis percobaan pesawat2 canggih, misalnya suatu proyek yang disebut Proyek Hitam (Black Project) yang terdiri dari pesawat seri Blackbird, seri Stealth Fighter dan seri Stealth Boomber.
Seri Blackbird merupakan kelanjutan dari seri U-2 yang dimulai tahun 1962 dengan rancangan tipe A-12 dan SR-71. Sebagai contoh, tipe SR-71 memiliki kecepatan jelajah mencapai 3500 km/jam dengan ketinggian efektif jelajah 4830 km.

Seri Stealth Fighter merupakan pesawat tempur siluman pertama yang dirancang pada akhir tahun 1970-an. Pesawat ini sangat baik sekali beroperasi di malam hari. Tipe yang sangat dikenal adalah F-117 Nighthawk. Seri Stealth atau siluman merupakan suatu ide agar pesawat terbebas dari pantauan radar. Kecepatan jelajah pesawat ini berkisar 1040 km/jam dengan ketinggian yang baik sejauh 2110 km. Prestasi operasinya telah diperlihatkan pada perang teluk dan masih ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan target-target yang telah matang.

Seri Stealth Boomber merupakan kelanjutan pesawat siluman dari Seri Stealth Fighter yang telah dikembangkan secara luas. Seri pesawat siluman yang dikenal ini adalah tipe Black Manta dan B2. Daya jelajah lebih cepat dan lebih susah ditangkap radar dari pada seri Stealth Fighter. Walau pun demikian, strategi penyerangannya masih tergantung pada informasi dari target.

Area 51 Long Range Shot

Nah,kalau sudah jelas asal usul dan kegunaannya , mengapa tempat ini masih dikatakan penuh misteri?

Tanpa menambahkan soal fenomena-fenomena langit yg aneh disekitar Area 51, keberadaan lokasi tsb sudah amat sangat aneh.
Ribuan orang sudah mengamati tempat itu ( dengan menyelinap atau dari jarak jauh ), bahkan foto satelit memastikan keberadaan tempat tersebut.Tapi pemerintah AS dengan tegas menyatakan " Area 51 tidak ada "
Tidak ada dalam laporan keuangan resmi, dalam anggaran belanja pemerintah federal, negara bagian, angkatan bersenjata atau apapun.Bahkan Kongres AS tidak pernah mendapat laporan keberadaan lokasi tersebut.

Tapi sudah menjadi pengetahuan publik AS ( bahkan seluruh dunia ) bahwa areal itu eksis!!

Fenomena Area 51 yg penuh teknologi mutakhir ( khususnya teknologi pesawat terbang ) tapi tidak pernah diakui pemerintah walau sudah dikenal secara amat umum ( bahkan lewat film2 ) itulah membuat berkembangnya berbagai isyu atau pendapat mengenai 'phantom government', 'C-theory' hingga yg paling sensasional adalah teori 'Alien government'.
Area 51 sebagai pusat riset dan uji coba teknologi2 paling canggih AS ( dunia ? ) sempat diisyukan sudah dipindahkan ke suatu wilayah di Utah.
Tapi jelas dalam hal ini tidak ada sumber yg bisa memastikan mengingat para 'watchers' ( orang2 penggila misteri soal Area 51 ) masih sering melihat fenomena2 aneh dilangit sekitar areal tsb ( cahaya, pesawat tak dikenal, dll ).

Menurut desas-desus yang beredar , AREA 51 selain digunakan sebagai pusat penelitian dan pengembangan senjata dan peralatan bagi Amerika , tempat itu juga terkenal sebagai pusat penyelidikan basis Extraterestrial dan UFO.
Mulai dari pandangan inilah kemudian AREA 51 melahirkan suatu teori Konspirasi tersendiri.
Dikatakan bahwa AREA 51 merupakan tempat yang digunakan oleh para Alien untuk menjalin suatu kerjasama dengan manusia.
Banyak saksi mata mengatakan ,fenomena-fenomena aneh di langit sekitar AREA 51 yang kerap terjadi di malam hari sangatlah aneh.
Jika cahaya-cahaya misterius yang berterbangan hilir mudik di langit area tsb adalah pesawat terbang , maka tidaklah mungkin mereka dapat terbang dengan formasi dan gerakan seperti itu.
Menurut salah satu saksi mata yang pernah (bahkan kerap) melihat fenomena-fenomena aneh tersebut mengatakan "'Ini terlalu aneh , tidaklah mungkin sebuah pesawat terbang mampu berdiam diri sejenak di udara , kemudian dalam hitungan detik selanjutnya mereka telah berpindah tempat dengan sangat cepat secara vertikal maupun horisontal."

Maka , tidaklah terlalu heran jika para "watchers" menyebut AREA 51 sebagai tempat untuk mendaratnya para makhluk Extraterestrial dengan UFO-nya yang ingin melakukan suatu persengkongkolan dengan manusia (khususnya para pekerja di AREA 51 dan pemerintah Amerika itu sendiri).

Banyak orang percaya, bahwa manusia telah berhasil menjalin kontak dengan para makhluk luar angkasa semenjak tragedi jatuhnya sebuah UFO di kawasan Roswell pada tahun 1947 (dikenal sebagai Roswell Incident 1947),namun sayang , hal ini masih terlalu ditutup-tutupi oleh Goverment-nya USA.
Seperti yang dikatakan oleh seorang Ufologist , Sean David Morton sebagai kepala Persatuan Organisasi Biologi atau EBE , bahwa peristiwa Roswell 1947 merupakan kontak pertama dan terpenting dengan para extraterestrial.
Dua tahun kemudian , dikabarkan ada Alien yang melapor pada tahun 1949 perihal tabrakan yang terjadi pada pesawat milik rekan mereka , namun kemudian Alien tersebut ditawan dalam suatu rumah dan dijaga dengan ketat.
Berdasarkan hasil interogasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli Pictograph kepada Alien tsb, dan dari sana dipelajari bahwa mereka berasal dari sistem bintang Zeta Reticular.

Kemudian, pada akhir tahun 1996 , publik kembali dihebohkan dengan bocornya video AREA 51 : Alien Interviev yang kemungkinan besar dilakukan oleh "orang dalam".
Menurut beberapa sumber, sebut saja "Victor" (nama samaran) , merupakan "orang dalam" yang mengemukakan bahwasannya pemerintah AS memiliki banyak dokumentasi dari kegiatan aktivitas Area tsb , salah satu dokumentasi yang diperolehnya yaitu berupa video dari Alien yang sedang menjalani pemeriksaan berupa investigasi oleh pihak setempat.

Menurut pengakuannya , Victor mendapatkan salinan video tsb dari perekam video yang asli dan paling rahasia yang direkam pada Area 51.
Karena rasa kuatir yang teramat besar , maka ia tidak pernah mengakui sebagai salah satu pekerja di area itu , dan ia juga tidak pernah secara rinci menjelaskan dimana sebenarnya penyalinan video itu terjadi.
Ia tetap menekankan bahwa video itu didapat karena adanya "kebocoran data" yang terjadi selama perpindahan dari dokumentasi video secara masal saat dirubah dari analog video ke digital video.

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