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How to install your template
Step 1.Click on Template title (For eg. "Minima White")

Step 2.Goto Edit template section of your layout tab

Step 3. Upload it from the place where you saved it.

Important: Widgets
By installing any one of these templates, there are chances that all your widgets are lost(means all your customization is lost and only default template would be their).
It is
recommended to backup your widgets. [Guide to backup widgets ]
A warning similar to the one given below will be displayed while installing them, Click Yes.

Update(s) 1/11/2008

Known issues :-
After going through your comments,I'm posting about issues which are common

Son Of Moto Template
The bug's fixed and template updated, it should be green now.

Rounder's Template
The template experiences a sidebar drop in IE.Under Scanner

Header Image
It's been observed that the template isn't permitting images.the temporary solution is that you delete the 'Header' page element.Then re-add it using 'Add a Gadget' link in the layout section.

XML Errors
Instead of copy-pasting the code,try downloading it and then uploading.For downloading Right click on the template link you wish to download and select "Save Target As" in IE or "Save Link As" in Firefox.Then upload it from Edit HTML section of the Layout Tab.

Current templates available

Minima White

Minima Black

Minima Blue

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sewaktu di SMA akuy pernah jatuh cinta pada seseorang yang tak TAK KAN PERNAH akau lupakan, masa-masa itu adalah masa dimana aku sangat ingin sekali mencari sesuatau yang membuat semangat diriku. bulan-demi bulan berlalu aku mulai merasakan ada sesutau yang timbul pada diri ku yang sebelumnya tak pernah rasakan, tapi apa kawan cintaku hanya sebatas waktu yang belum pernah ku ungkapkan selama ini. pada akhir ujian sewaktu SMA aku mulai melupakan “dia”, tapi kawan untuk melupakannya sungguh sulit sesulit mencari jarum dalam jerami. sungguh mengensankan bukan. tapi aku menyedari bahwa cinta tak harus memiliki. tak kusangka dan tak kukira sesosok itu muncul kembali saat perkuliahan, !!!!! YANG TAKKAN MELUPAKAN??????

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Kamu pelihara anjing, kucing atau bahkan kambing di rumah? Kalau kamu amati perilaku dari binatang-binatang ini , ternyata binatang-binatang itu suka banget sama benda-benda yang sempit (cowok-cowok juga demen sama yang sempit yah). Nah, kadang-kadang binatang-binatang ini suka tertantang untuk coba ...

Enaknya jadi kucing yang menikmati kehangatan tubuh wanita

Enaknya jadi kucing yang menikmati kehangatan tubuh wanita

Wah. ternyata orang-orang bule disana saking demennya sama kucing, mereka mau membagikan kehangatan tubuhnya buat kucing-kucing imut ini. Kucing emang suka banget sama kehangatan, kamu bisa lihat dari wajah kucing yang tertidur dengan pulas diantara kehangatan dua bukit ...

Bagaimana posisi jerapah ketika tidur ?

Bagaimana posisi jerapah ketika tidur ?

Pernah ga sih kepikiran gimana kalau jerapah lagi tidur ? Dengan leher sepanjang lebih dari 1 meter, jerapah akan memakan tempat yang besar banget buat tempat tidurnya. Pada umumnya, jerapah yang tinggal di padang luas seperti daerah Afrika tidur sambil ...

Ikan lucu, mungil, kecil mirip dadu !!!

Ikan lucu, mungil, kecil mirip dadu !!!

Buat kamu yang demen diving, pasti jarang atau ga pernah ketemu ikan lucu, mungkin, kecil dan mirip dadu. Ikan ini disebut dengan "Smooth Trunkfish", ikan dengan spesies yang cukup langkah dan sulit ditemukan. Di kerangka badan bagian atas terletak semacam tulang lunak ...

Ruang Raksasa dalam atom

Udara, air, gunung, binatang, tumbuhan, tubuh anda, kursi yang anda duduki, singkatnya segala yang anda saksikan, sentuh dan rasakan, dari yang paling berat hingga yang paling ringan ...

Semut Pedalaman Lebih Suka Garam Daripada Gula

Coba perhatikan perilaku semut di sekitar rumah Anda. Pisang goreng atau kerupuk di atas meja makan yang notebene tidak manis apakah tetap dikerumuni seperti halnya sejumput ...

Semua Fakta Tentang Hewan, Kalo Ga Ngerasa Hewan Ga usah Di Lihat…hehehe


Duluan Telur Apa Ayam

Siapa yang lebih dulu muncul, telur atau ayam? Ilmuwan kini punya jawabannya. Sebuah fosil telur dinosaurus bisa membantu menjawab pertanyaan siapa yang muncul lebih dulu. Fosil jejak dinosaurus ...

Laba-Laba Pemakan Burung

Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan pemberitaan bahwa ada se-ekor tikus yang membunuh se-ekor ular, namun berita kali ini juga tidak kalak menarik dengan berita tersebut. Ini menunjukkan ...

Chupacabra : Mutant Misterius Dari Daratan Amerika

Chupacabra atau yang biasa juga disebut El Chupacabara merupakan sebutan bagi Mutant/Monster misterius yang beberapa tahun belakangan ini menjadi teror bagi warga di Benua Amerika,terutama Amerika Tengah dan Amerika ...

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Binatang Mirip Manusia

1.Human-faced Carp
Ikan ini sebenernya sejenis ikan Koi.Ikan unik ini byk diternakkan di negara Jepang dan Korea.Ikan ini sgt dicari-cari oleh para kolektor di kedua negara tsb.
Yang membuat mirip ikan ini dgn manusia yaitu bentuk matanya.

2.Skull Back Spider
Mungkin ini salah satu laba-laba langka di dunia. Laba-laba ini mirip dgn manusia krn struktur tulang kepalanya yang mirip dgn struktur kepala manusia pada umumnya.

3.Heike Crab
Kepiting ini pertama kali di temukan di Jepang pada tahun 1185.Kepiting aneh ini ditemukan di sekitar daerah pantai jepang pada saat pertempuran laut besar.

4.Samurai Beetle
Lagi lagi kumbang unik ini ditemukan di Jepang.Di bagian sayap kumbang ini terdapat gambar muka samurai jepang.Sungguh unik dan aneh .

5.Death’s Head Hawk Moth
kalo yg satu ini binatang jenis ngengat.Di bagian punggungnya terdapat gambar mirip wajah manusia.

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Eagle Watch!

BLM has been counting bald eagles around Wolf Lodge Bay for 33 years! The eagles are returning to their winter feeding grounds; we counted 127 eagles on December 8. Check back often and track the counts to see how many of these majestic creatures have arrived for dinner!

Join volunteers and wildlife biologists at the Coeur d’Alene Lake - Wolf Lodge Bay wildlife viewing area to observe 30 - 60 bald eagles feeding on the lake’s spawned kokanee salmon. Attend staff presentations, learn from the eagle exhibits and watch hundreds of waterfowl.

Beginning to frequent the lake in November as the kokanee start to spawn and die, bald eagles reach peak numbers by the end of December. You’ll find exhibits with telescopes at the Mineral Ridge Boat Launch and the Mineral Ridge Trailhead. Biologists and volunteers will be available every day during the week to answer your questions, except during the very worst weather conditions (such as excessive snow, ice and wind).

With help from the Forest Service, Idaho Fish and Game, Audubon Society, and volunteers, the Bureau of Land Management has hosted the annual Coeur d’Alene Eagle Watch Week between December 26 and January 1 since 1991. Educational displays and telescopes are available for the viewing public to enjoy the eagles.

Eagle watchers have been asked to record their zip codes since 1994. Fifty thousand people have come to watch eagles during these 12 weeks of viewing. Although 70 percent of eagle watchers have come from a three-hour driving distance, the other 30 percent have come from all 50 American states, Washington D.C., two US military zip codes, two US territories and 36 foreign countries. Many of these out-of-area people are visiting family and friends in the local area, on skiing vacations, and are exchange students.

Safety / Viewing Tips

• Avoid disturbing the birds. Do not approach them on foot.

• Stay as far away from the birds as possible. Binoculars are essential.

• Stay in your vehicle if viewing nearby birds.

• Park off the main road.
Suggested viewing areas: Higgins Point, Mineral Ridge Boat Ramp,
Mineral Ridge Trail head

• Do not stop on the road or look for eagles while driving.
Interstate 90 and Highway 97 are heavily traveled.
Remember, it is illegal to stop in any traffic lane.

Bald eagle count

Visitors by home town

Visitors by state

International eagle watchers

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Eagle survives crash through truck windshield

'Ticked off bird' escapes with only swollen head after striking tractor-trailer

Image: Smashed windshield after eagle strike
Nevada Highway Patrol via AP
The golden eagle smashed into the truck's windshield, shattering almost half of it, as the vehicle drove along Interstate 80 near Wells, Nev.
Eagle survives crash through windshield
March 5: Tractor-trailer was driving down a Nevada highway.

updated 5:19 a.m. ET March 5, 2009

RENO, Nev. - The eagle has landed — with a thud — after crashing through the windshield of a tractor-trailer on a Nevada highway.

State wildlife officials said Wednesday that a 15-pound golden eagle with a 7-foot wing span has a swollen head but otherwise appears unhurt after slamming into a Florida truck driver's big rig on Monday.

Matthew Roberto Gonzalez of Opa Locka, Fla., was driving on U.S. Interstate 80 in northeast Nevada near Wells, about 60 miles west of the Utah line, when the eagle came crashing into the cab of his truck.

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"I heard a loud thump like a brick or something coming through the glass," said Daryl Young of Miami, the co-driver who was dozing in the sleeper berth when it happened. "I woke up, and the windshield was all over me. Next thing I know there was a big bird lying on the floor."

Joe Doucette, a spokesman for the Nevada Department of Wildlife, said it appears the eagle hit the windshield head first.

"One side of the head is swollen, but there does not appear to be any permanent damage," he said.

'Pretty feisty'
"The guys in the truck immediately bailed out because it was one ticked off bird. She was pretty feisty," Doucette said. "Even the officer who responded didn't want to go in there so we had one of our wildlife biologists do it."

Image: Injured golden eagle
Lance Dean / NNWRC via AP
Pete Bradley, a biologist from the Nevada Dept. of Wildlife, holds the injured golden eagle as wildlife rehabilitator Jo Dean looks on in Springs Creek, Nev. on Wednesday.

The eagle was recovering at the Northeast Nevada Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Spring Creek, and Doucette said the goal was to release it back into the wild.

Jeffrey Spires, owner of Spires Trucking of South Florida in Miramar, Fla., said he thought his drivers were kidding when they called to report the damage.

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Bald Eagle
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Falconiformes (or Accipitriformes, q.v.)
Family: Accipitridae

Several, see text.

Eagles are large birds of prey which are members of the bird family Accipitridae, and belong to several genera which are not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the more than 60 species occur in Eurasia and Africa. Outside this area, just two species (the Bald and Golden Eagles) can be found in the USA and Canada, nine more in Central and South America, and three in Australia.


Eagles are differentiated from other birds of prey mainly by their larger size, more powerful build, and heavier head and bill. Even the smallest eagles, like the Booted Eagle (which is comparable in size to a Common Buzzard or Red-tailed Hawk), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from the vultures. The species called eagle can range in size from the Spilornis serpent-eagles, which typically weigh about 500 grams (1.1 pounds) and measure 45 cm (18 in), to the 6.5-kg, 1-meter Harpy Eagle, though the Philippine Eagle and the Steller's Sea-Eagle are of similar size.

Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons claws. They also have extremely keen eyesight which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance. This keen eyesight is primarily contributed by their extremely large pupils which cause minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light.

Eagles build their nests, called eyries, in tall trees or on high cliffs. Many species lay two eggs, but the older, larger chick frequently kills its younger sibling once it has hatched.


Martial Eagle in Namibia
Thermographic image of an eagle, thermoregulating using its wings

Major new research into eagle taxonomy suggests that the important genera Aquila and Hieraaetus are not composed of nearest relatives, and it is likely that a reclassification of these genera will soon take place, with some species being moved to Lophaetus or Ictinaetus.


The powerful Harpy Eagle can easily grab a monkey weighing 5 kg and fly away with it.
A Steppe Eagle in Lahore Zoo Pakistan .
A dark individual of the Short-toed Eagle.

Eagles in culture

[edit] The word

The modern English name of the bird is derived from the Latin term aquila by way of the French Aigle. The Latin aquila may derive from the word aquilus, meaning dark-colored, swarthy, or blackish, as a description of the eagle's plumage; or from Aquilo, the Latin version of Greek Boreas, or north wind.

Old English used the term Earn, related to Scandinavia's Ørn / Örn. The etymology of this word is related to Greek ornis, literally meaning "bird". In this sense, the Eagle is the Bird with a capital B.

In Britain before 1678, Eagle referred specifically to the Golden Eagle, the other native species, the White-tailed Eagle, being known as the Erne. The modern name "Golden Eagle" for Aquila chrysaetos was introduced by the naturalist John Ray.

Eagles as national symbols

Eagles have been used by many nations as a national symbol.

Historic uses:

The eagle is the symbol used to depict John the Apostle in some Christian churches, whose writing most clearly witnesses the divinity of Christ. In art, John, as the writer of the Gospel, is sometimes depicted with an eagle. See Names of John.

The eagle is a sacred bird in some cultures and the feathers of the eagle are central to many religious and spiritual customs, especially amongst Native Americans in the United States and First Nations in Canada, as well as among many of the peoples of Meso-America. Some Native American peoples revere eagles as sacred religious objects and the feathers and parts of Bald and Golden Eagles are often compared to the Bible and crucifix. Eagle feathers are often used in various ceremonies and are used to honor noteworthy achievements and qualities such as exceptional leadership and bravery. In the cultures of the Northwest Coast, Eagle is also a supernatural being and also the ancestor and features in the heraldic crests of important clans known as totem poles.

The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped the animal and often depicted eagles in their art.

Despite modern and historic Native American practices of giving eagle feathers to non-indigenous people and also members of other tribes who have been deemed worthy, current United States eagle feather law stipulates that only individuals of certifiable Native American ancestry enrolled in a federally recognized tribe are legally authorized to obtain eagle feathers for religious or spiritual reasons. In Canada, poaching of eagle feathers for the booming U.S. market has sometimes resulted in the arrests of First Nations person for the crime.

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